Sunday, April 24, 2011

Catching up~

I just realized that I have about 136 food (sweets!) posts in a row (minus the shirt re-do),
so here's what has been going on in the Allday household:

The van got mistreated this week.
I'm sure the would be robbers were very dissapointed at what they found.
Or in this case didn't find.

Unless you're in the market for an old diaper bag, a broken soccer chair or boogery car seats, there's not much of value in there.
Except my Austin Entertainment Coupon Book.
I was so relieved that they left it.
Dumb criminals.

By the end of the day, Josh and Lucas had the van looking brand new.

Soccer season is in full swing

You can buy this here.

If you do I will give you 10% off. Just let me know you found it here.

Happy Easter everyone!!!!


  1. I just found your blog and I love it! I checked out your etsy shop and everything is so cute! I have a little blog and would love for you to check it out!

  2. Its such a bummer that your car got broken into. Once my car got stolen , when we found it later we noticed that only the radio face was taken. Not even the stereo box ( is that what its even called?).
